P&L for short, also known as Income Statement in English. The income statement reflects the company's income and expenditure over a period of time (usually one quarter, half a year and one year), and reflects the company's profitability. With the balance sheet and cash flow statement, the company's three major financial statements.
簡稱 P&L , 英 文 亦 作Income Statement損益表反映一段時間內(nèi)(通常是一季、半年及一年)公司的收入與 支出狀況,反映公司的盈利能力。與 資產(chǎn)負債表及現(xiàn)金流量表合稱公司 三大財務報表。
當前國際上常用的利潤表格式有單步式和多步式兩種。單步式是將當期收入總 額相加,然后將所有費用總額相加,一次 計算出當期收益的方式,其特點是所提 供的信息都是原始數(shù)據(jù),便于理解;多步 式是將各種利潤分多步計算求得凈利潤 的方式,便于使用人對企業(yè)經(jīng)營情況和 盈利能力進行比較和分析。

Cash Flow Statement(現(xiàn)金流量表)
Important financial statements other than the company's balance sheet and income statement show the company's cash inflows and outflows over a period of time and explain where the changes in cash assets come from during the period. Cash flow statements generally classify cash flows into three categories: 1. Operating cash flows from operating activities, which reflect net cash inflows or outflows from sales of products and services, equal to profits plus non-cash expenses such as depreciation and amortization, and then include changes in current assets other than cash and current liabilities other than short-term loans. Reduction of current assets represents cash inflows, while reduction of current liabilities represents cash outflows; 2. Cash flow from financing activities, which reflects the cash flow of a company in financing activities such as issuing stocks or bonds, lending to banks, repaying debts or distributing dividends; 3. Cash flow from investing activities, which reflects the company's investment or sale of fixed assets. Cash flow generated.
公司資產(chǎn)負債表及損益表以外的重 要財務報表,顯示公司在一段時間內(nèi) 現(xiàn)金進出的情況,解釋期間現(xiàn)金資產(chǎn) 的變動從何而來?,F(xiàn)金流量表一般會 將現(xiàn)金流量歸為三大類:1.經(jīng)營現(xiàn)金 流 (cash flow from operating activities),反映產(chǎn)品及服務銷售所產(chǎn) 生的現(xiàn)金流入或流出凈額,等于盈利 加上非現(xiàn)金費用如折舊及攤銷,再計 入現(xiàn)金以外的流動資產(chǎn)及短期貸款 以外的流動負債的變動。流動資產(chǎn)減 少代表現(xiàn)金流入,流動負債減少則代 表現(xiàn)金流出;2.融資現(xiàn)金流(cash flow from financing activities),反映公司在 發(fā)行股票或債券,向銀行貸款,還債 或派發(fā)股息等融資活動上的現(xiàn)金流;3.投 資 現(xiàn) 金 流 (cash flow from investing activities),反映公司投資或 出售固定資產(chǎn)所產(chǎn)生的現(xiàn)金流。
對于現(xiàn)金流量表需要注意,在編制該表 時采用的會計準則是收付實現(xiàn)制。現(xiàn)金 流量表的出現(xiàn),主要是要反映出資產(chǎn)負 債表中各個項目對現(xiàn)金流量的影響,并 根據(jù)其用途劃分為經(jīng)營、投資及融資三 個活動分類?,F(xiàn)金流量表可用于分析一 家機構在短期內(nèi)有沒有足夠現(xiàn)金去應付開銷。

Debt equity ratio(負債權益比率)
Debt equity ratio is used to assess the relevant risks and leverage of the relevant securities holders. The total amount of liabilities and interests reflects the strength of the financial structure of the unit under review and the degree to which the creditor's capital is protected by the owner's rights and interests. The high ratio of liabilities to equity indicates that the total capital of the audited unit is high in liabilities, so the degree of protection of liabilities to capital is weak; the low ratio of liabilities to equity indicates that the audited unit has strong financial strength, and therefore the degree of protection of liabilities to capital is high. In the broad sense of capital structure, debt-equity ratio refers to the ratio between the total debt of an enterprise and the owner's equity (shareholder's equity), also known as the property right ratio. In the narrow sense of capital structure, the debt-equity ratio refers to the ratio between the long-term debt of an enterprise and the owner's equity (shareholder's equity).
負債權益比率是指用于評估有關證券持有人的相關風險和杠桿率。反映被審單位財務結構的強弱,以及債權人的資本受到所有者權益的保障程度。負債權益比率高,說明被審單位總資本中負債資本高,因而對負債資本的保障程度較弱;負債權益比率低,則說明被審單位本身的財務實力較強,因而對負債資本的保障程度較高。在廣義的資本結構含義下,負債權益比率是指企業(yè)負債總額與所有者權益(股東權益)之間的比值,又稱為產(chǎn)權比率。在狹義的資本結構含義下,負債權益比率是指企業(yè) 的長期負債與所有者權益(股東權益) 之間的比值。

Dividend Cover(股息保障倍數(shù))
The extent to which a company's dividend and/or interest payments are matched or exceeded by its earnings. Expressed as a multiple. The company's rating in the market increases as the multiple rises.
公司向股東支付股息能力的指標,由可派發(fā)股息的盈余( 即股東應占溢利)除以股息得出。對于有穩(wěn)定派息記錄的公司來說,倍數(shù)越高,市場對其評價越高。
Profit Margin/Rate(利潤率)
Profit rate is the financial ratio that reflects the profitability of a company. It is expressed as a percentage by dividing profits over a period of time by operating income. Roughly speaking, if the profit margin is 20%, it means that every 100 yuan business can earn 20 yuan. Commonly used profit margins include gross profit, net profit margin and operating profit margin. The denominator of these three ratios is operating income. The numerator is gross profit (income minus direct cost of goods), net profit (income minus all expenses and expenses) and operating profit (gross profit minus operating expenses).
利潤率是反映公司盈利能力的財務 比率,由一段時間內(nèi)的利潤除以營業(yè)收入得出,以百分比表達。粗略而言,若利潤率為 20%,代表每做 100元的生意可賺20元。
常用的利潤率包括 毛利率、凈利潤率以及營業(yè)利潤率,此三比率的分母均為營業(yè)收入,分子則分別是毛利(收入減掉貨物的直接成本)、凈利(收入減去所有的費用與支出)和營運利潤(毛利減去營業(yè)費用)。
Current Ratio(流動比率)
Liquidity ratio is a measure of a company's ability to pay short-term debt. It is derived by dividing current assets by current liabilities. Current assets include cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable and inventory, while current liabilities are equal to the sum of short-term loans and accounts payable. The normal range of liquidity ratio is 0.5-2.0, but we must be careful to interpret this liquidity ratio. A higher ratio may mean that the company has too much idle cash, customers are in arrears with large amounts of accounts, or the company needs a lot of inventory for its operations. Lower ratios do not necessarily mean that companies are at risk of not being able to repay short-term debt. They may simply be based on cash payments in their industries (such as restaurants that usually have little or no accounts receivable), or their operations do not require too much inventory (such as most service companies), or customers in their industries pay more slowly (such as construction).
流動比率是衡量公司償付短期債務 能力的一項指標,由流動資產(chǎn)除以流動負債得出(流動比率=流動資產(chǎn)/流動負債)。流動資產(chǎn)包括現(xiàn)金及現(xiàn)金等價物、應收賬款和庫存,而流動負債則等于短期貸款和應付賬款之 和。流動比率的正常范圍值為 0.5~ 2.0,但解讀這個流動性比率必須謹慎。較高的比率可能意 味著公司有太多閑置現(xiàn)金、客戶拖欠 大筆賬款,或者公司的經(jīng)營需要大量 的庫存。較低的比率并不一定意味著 公司有無法償還短期債務的風險,可 能只是因為公司所在行業(yè)以支付現(xiàn) 金為標準(例如餐館通常只有很少或 沒有應收賬款),或其經(jīng)營不需要太 多的庫存(例如大多數(shù)服務業(yè)公司), 或所在行業(yè)客戶支付的速度較慢(例如建筑業(yè))。
EPS is the abbreviation of Earnings Per Share, which refers to the after-tax profit per share of common stock, also known as "earnings per share". EPS is the final result of the company's profitability. The high earnings per share represents the high profitability of the company per unit of capital, which means that the company has some better ability -- product marketing, technical ability, management ability, etc., so that the company can use less resources to create higher profits.
EPS 是每股盈余(英文全稱 Earnings Per Share)的縮寫,指普通股每股稅后利潤,也稱為“每股收益”。EPS 為公司獲利能力的最后結果。每股盈余 高代表著公司每單位資本額的獲利 能力高,這表示公司具有某種較佳的 能力——產(chǎn)品行銷、技術能力、管理能力等等,使得公司可以用較少的資源創(chuàng)造出較高的獲利。
每股利潤過高的話,該公司的市盈率就(Price Earnings Ratio)會較低,反映在財務報表以及上市公司在證券交易所的年度財務報告中,會給股民該公司股價存在低估印象,對公司股價上揚有正面影響。
Book value equals total assets minus total liabilities. Book value per share (BVPS) equals book value divided by the number of shares outstanding. It is the same as shareholders' equity. BVPS is used in the calculation of the price/book ratio (share price divided by BVPS). Price/book is the ultimate measure of how much investors think a company's assets are worth and it equals the share price divided by the BVPS. A price/book ratio should be higher than one; otherwise the market is pricing the assets below their replacement value. Companies with price/book ratios well below one automatically become takeover targets as sector rivals will consider launching a bid for their stock rather than investing in new plant and equipment. Price/book is especially relevant for capital-intensive manufacturing firms. Service industry companies with few fixed assets typically trade at high price/book ratios.
英文 Book value Per Share 的縮寫。賬面凈值(book value)等同于股東權益 (shareholders' euqity),即總資產(chǎn)減去總負債。每股賬面凈值等于賬面凈值除以已發(fā)行股數(shù)。 股價除以每股賬面凈值即得出股價凈值比(price/book ratio),這是投資者衡量公司資產(chǎn)價值的關鍵指標。股價凈值比若低于 1,則代表市場對公司 資 產(chǎn) 的 定 價 低 于 其 重 置 成 本 (replacement cost)。若股價凈值比遠 低于 1,公司通常會成為收購目標, 因為覬覦此公司資產(chǎn)的同業(yè)競爭者 會考慮收購這家公司的股權以取得 資產(chǎn),而不是自己進行廠房和設備的 投資。股價凈值比對資本密集型的制 造業(yè)公司特別有意義。 服務業(yè)因固定資產(chǎn)較少,股價凈值比通常比較高。
Minority Interest(少數(shù)股東權益)
An important but non-controlling outside ownership stake in a company or subsidiary. Also used to describe the share of a parent company's net profits or net assets that are attributable to those minority shareholders in partially-owned subsidiaries.
在一家公司中,不為控股股東所持有 的股權稱為少數(shù)股東權益,通常合共不會超過股權的 50%。 在集團財務報表上,資產(chǎn)負債表上的少數(shù)股東權益代表在集團的子公司中持少數(shù)股權的股東應占的凈資產(chǎn),損益表上的少數(shù)股東權益代表子公司中的少數(shù)股東應占的凈利。
Working Capital(營運資本)
Working Capital usually refers to net working capital and is the resource that a company can use to finance day-to-day operations. It is calculated by taking current liabilities from current assets.營運資金等于流動資產(chǎn)減去流動負 債,是衡量公司能動用多少流動資產(chǎn) 來改善營運或擴充業(yè)務的一個指標。
Earnings Before Interest and Tax(息稅前利潤)
The profit without deducting interest and income tax, that is, the profit before paying income tax without considering interest. It can also be called pre-interest and pre-tax profit. Interest and pre-tax profit, as its name implies, refers to the profit before interest and income tax are paid.
無論企業(yè)營業(yè)利潤多少,債務利息和優(yōu) 先股的股利都是固定不變的。當息稅前利潤增大時,每一元盈余所負擔的固定 財務費用就會相對減少,這能給普通股 股東帶來更多的盈余。
ROE Return on Equity (每股收益)
The rate of return on net assets, also known as the rate of return on equity/net value/rate of return on equity/rate of return on equity/profit on equity/profit on equity/profit on equity/profit on net assets, is the percentage of net profit and average shareholder's equity. It is the percentage rate of company's after-tax profit divided by net assets. This index reflects the level of return on equity of shareholders and is used to measure the company's use of its own assets. Capital efficiency. The higher the index value, the higher the return of investment. This index reflects the ability of self-owned capital to obtain net income.
凈資產(chǎn)收益率 ROE,凈資產(chǎn)收益率又稱股東權益報酬率/凈值報酬率/權益報酬率/權益利潤率/凈資產(chǎn)利潤率,是凈利潤與平均股東權益的百分比,是公司稅后利潤除以凈資產(chǎn)得到的 百分比率,該指標反映股東權益的收益水平,用以衡量公司運用自有資本的效率。指標值越高,說明投資帶來的收益越高。該指標體現(xiàn)了自有資本獲得凈收益的能力。
Weighted Average Cost of Capital(加權平均資本成本)
Weighted Average Cost of Capital. WACC is used to measure whether a potential investment will generate an adequate return. It is the cost of debt and equity, weighted by their relative contribution to overall costs both in the proportion of the funding and the cost of the related interest or dividend payments.
WACC 代表公司整體平均資金成本,可用來衡量一個項目是否值 得投資;項目的回報必 須不低于WACC。 計算 WACC 時,先算出構 成公司資本結構的各個項目如普通 股、優(yōu)先股、公司債及其他長期負債各自的資金成本或要求回報率,然后 將這些回報率按各項目在資本結構中的權重加權,即可算出。
其中:WACC=Weighted Average Cost of Capital(加權平均資本成本)
Re = 股本成本
Rd = 債務成本
E = 公司股本的市場價值
D = 公司債務的市場價值
V = E + D
E/V = 股本占融資總額的百分比 D/V = 債務占融資總額的百分比 Tc = 企業(yè)稅率