1 準備和制作招標書
2 刊登廣告或發(fā)邀請函
3 發(fā)售招標書
4 投標準備和投標
5 開標
6 評標
7 簽訂合同
競爭性招標(Competitive Bidding)是比較普遍的招標方式,有利于業(yè)主找到價錢最合理的承包商。
協(xié)商招標(Negotiated Bidding):業(yè)主時間緊迫,業(yè)主聯(lián)系自己較熟悉的承包商。這時承包商易談得一個好價錢。
競標與協(xié)商相結(jié)合的招標(Combined Bidding and Negotiation):業(yè)主邀請熟悉的幾家承包商前來投標。
二、招投標活動(Tendering Activities)
1.Pretendering activities (招標前的活動)
1) Preliminary inquiry to contractors (對承包商的招標初步意向詢問)
2) Prequalification of tenderers (對投標人的資格預(yù)審)
2.Inviting tenders and supplying documents including:(發(fā)放招標文件)
1)Letter of Invitation (邀請信)
2)Instructions to Tenderers (投標者須知)
3)Conditions of Contract (Consisting of General Conditions and Particular Conditions) (合同條件:通用條件和專用條件)
4)Form of Tender (投標書格式)
5)Drawings (圖紙)
6)Specification (技術(shù)規(guī)格書)
7)Bill of Quantities (工程量表)
8)Schedules of Additional Information (附加資料表)
9)Information Data (資料數(shù)據(jù))
10)Return envelope (an addressed envelope for the return of tender to ensure that each tenderer has the same and correct address of the Employer)(回函信封:遞 送投標書的信封,為了確保準確無誤的送達,上面印有業(yè)主的地址)
3.Preparation of Tender by Contractor (承包商編制投標書)
1) Visit and inspect the site(考察現(xiàn)場)
2) Make queries to the Employer (if any)(如有疑問可向業(yè)主提出質(zhì)詢)
3) Inspect any information(核準資料)
4) Satisfy himself as to form and nature of the site(承包商對現(xiàn)場的形狀和性質(zhì)感到滿意)
5) Collect data from the Employer (向業(yè)主收集資料)
6) Interpret the data provided by the Employer(對業(yè)主提供的數(shù)據(jù)資料進行解釋)
7) Base tender on the data(根據(jù)數(shù)據(jù)資料編制標書)
8) Satisfy himself as to correctness and sufficiency of the Accepted Contract A- mount;(承包商認為中標合同金額是正確和足夠的)
9) Consider the provisions in Sub-Clauses 13. 7&13.8 regarding increase or decrease of cost.(應(yīng)考慮到合同第13. 7和第13. 8款,關(guān)于成本的增加與減少的 規(guī)定)
4.Tender Submission (with Letter of Tender and Tender Security)(提交投標書-附上投標函和投標擔(dān)保)
5.Evaluation of Tenders and Decision on Award (評標與授標)
6.Both Parties agree on the terms of insurance (雙方就保險條件達成協(xié)議)
7.Letter of Acceptance (頒發(fā)中標函)
8.Submission of Performance Security to the Employer (向業(yè)主提交履約擔(dān)保)
9.Signing of Contract(簽訂合同)
此外,國際工程招標文件包括:Bidding Documents includes:
投標邀請書invitation for bid
資格預(yù)審表prequalification form
投標須知 Instructions to bidders
工程項目技術(shù)說明 technical specifications
工程技術(shù)圖紙和技術(shù)資料 Specifications and Drawings
工程量清單Bill of Quantities
投標保證書(投標保函)Bid security
履約保證書Performance security
合約通用條款General conditions of contract
合約專業(yè)條款Special conditions of contract
Bidding Documents for the Flow the Heat Meters of a Mongolian Energy Conservation Project (Excerpts)
Part A
Invitation for bid投標邀請書

Part B
Section One
Instructions to bidders投標人須知
A. Introduction簡介
B. The Bidding documents:招標文件
Invitations to bidders投標人邀請書
Instruction to bidders投標人須知
Bid form and price schedules標書樣式和價格表(每個工程價格表不一樣,如下圖)

Contract form 合同樣式
General conditions of contract合同通用條款
Special conditions of contract合同專用條款
Scope of work工作范圍(每個工程工作范圍都不一樣,但都會詳細陳述工作地點,工作范圍等)。
Technical Specifications技術(shù)規(guī)格書
1.Bid security form(投標保函)
2.Performance security form(履約保函,每個工程基本一樣)
C. Preparation of Bids投標準備
D. Submission of Bids提交標書
E. Bid opening and evaluation開標與評標
F. Award of contract 授予合同 (語言風(fēng)格非常嚴謹)

Section Two
Bid form and price schedules
Section Three
Contract Form
Section Four
General conditions of contract
1. Inspection and tests
2. Patent rights
3. Performance security
4. Insurance
5. Transfer of titles
6. Acceptance
7. Payment
8. Force Majeure
Section Five
Special Conditions of contract
1. Conditions
2. Work Schedule
3. Invoice and payment
4. Insurance requirements
5. Spare parts and tools
6. Arbitration
7. Service
8. Training
Section Six
Scope of work(工作范圍,每個招標文件的涉及的工程的工作范圍都不一樣)

Section seven
Technical specifications 技術(shù)指標 每個工程技術(shù)指標都截然不同
Annex A 附件資料
Bid security form投標保函

Annex B 附件資料
Performance security form履約保函